" Rich Dad Poor Dad " by Robert kiyosaki presents a finance education that emphasize on cash flow, real estate, investing,and business building.                         


"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki ,through this book Robert has tried to tell people how money is earned and how they should be invested, as well as share the method of management. In this way, through the story of two friends ("Rich or Poor friends) the author has threaded all the facts in a garland.

Through this book, Robert Kiyosaki has discussed in detail about cash flow,real estate,investing and personal education for starting a business.
Through a story the author explain how the rich think in a way that makes them richer. 

1. Robert is an american business man,investor,writer and motivational speaker . Robert was born on 8 April 1947 in Hawai . His education was completed in New York.

2. Robert Kiyosaki has started an international academy company in 1985. Through this academy Kiyosaki started teaching people the tricks of doing business and investment.
In 1997 , Robert Kiyosaki had published his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad." This book is written in English language. Surprisingly this book got New York Times-" Best Seller Award." 
Every youth must read this book in the early years of their life, so that they do not have to face stumbling blocks in their life.

1. Change The Way Of Thinking 

The size of your success can be measured by the strength of your will. The size of your dreams and how you handle disappointment in your life.
The small seed of hope and faith is better and more powerful than the huge fruits of happiness.

The author express his thought through two friends, one of whom is very poor, and the other rich, who is poor,he is the father of Robert, the one who is rich is the friend of Robert's father.

In this book Robert Kiyosaki express all the dimensions of the rich- poor presents a metaphorical description of, offers ideas.

2. Develop Positive Thinking

 "Instead of worrying about what you cannot control , shift your energy to what you can create."

The first step to success is positive thinking.Positive thinking gives a person the power to get out of all these difficult situations which can be as big as a mountain for someone, so someone else thinks he can.

This thinking makes him different from other. Situational thinking reflects negativity. Lack of vision is found in people with negative thinking which causes their poverty. on the contrary, people with positive thinking try to understand the facts, causes and consequences deeply so they become rich.

3. Learn How To Take Risks

Believe in yourself,you are braver than you think,more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.

kiyosaki says that whenever we do something new,many risks also arise in front of us,instead of avoiding them.we should learn how to face and manage these risks.
Robert's father is a middle class man who has always wanted a secure life and business. He is afraid to take any kind of risks, while the father of Roberts friend takes the risks, and eventually succeeds. Rich Dad Poor Dad book teaches us how to manage risks.

4. Learn How To Invest

It is true that if you focus on money then it will come from the limit. but if you focus on learning then unlimited will come.

The difference between the philosophy of the rich and the poor is that the rich invest their money and spend what is left, but the poor spend their money first and then invest what is left. The author has tried to tell in his book " Rich Dad Poor Dad" that man should know the difference between wealth and liability.

Wealth doubles wealth and liability reduces money. Rich people invest first and later spend what is left on amenities while poor people first spend on amenities, after that they have as much investment as possible, there is no balance left. the money invested gives profit in future. Robert kiyosaki says that investment should be done before amenities.

5. Learn From Mistakes

All my successes have been built on my failure." When we do some work, we have many mistakes, we should not be afraid of them, but use those mistakes like a ladder. the meaning of saying that is that mistakes should not be repeated but they should be used to move forward.
Robert says that there is a need to learn from our mistakes,it helps us to do the work better.

6. Make Good Use Of Time

The biggest difference between a successful and unsuccessful person is good use of time.The successful person spends every moment of his life in doing something new and thinking new, whereas the poor person waste time considering his poverty as his destiny.
Robert Kiyosaki says that learn to recognize the opportunities that come in life, learn to take advantage of them. A person who takes advantage of the right time and the right moment is definitely successful in life.

7. Learn To Work With Money

Robert Kiyosaki says never work for money,but let money work for us. Robert says that becoming rich is not a difficult thing for a person who has absorbed this art.
This is very interesting book if you want to purchase this book Rich Dad Poor Dad.


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