Healthy Sleep Habbits For Child


Healthy sleep habits is very important for your child’s health Enough sleep during the day and at night is important and may have trouble, they find it hard to settle. Children and adolescence who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes ,injury, poor mental health, and problems with attention and behavior.

Infect, Health sleep habits start from birth.

How much sleep does my child need?

Every parent should know about the chart that clears every stage of child sleep needs. They need different amount of sleep. This chart is a general guide about 24 hours sleep and naps.                                 

They need different amount of sleep. This chart is a general guide about 24 hours sleep and naps.

Source: (AmericanAcademy of Sleep Medicine) provides this valuable chart 


(4 to 12 months old)

12-16 hours


(1 to 2 years old)

11-14 hours


(3 to 5 years old)

10-13 hours


(6 to 12 years old)

9-12   hours


(13 to 18 years old)

8-18   hours


Infants (birth to 4 month)

It seeing that a new born baby sleeps almost 18 hours a day. During the day time a newborn sleeps 3 to 4 hours in a single sleep. It’s quite necessary for their health.

As they grow, they will stay awake longer during the day and sleep for longer at night.

After 3 months, baby’s sleep habits will become more predictable and you can expect a more regular nap schedule.

Your baby will let you know when they are tired trust them. A sleep diary might help you to recognize their regular sleeping pattern.

A nap time routine is a good idea. It could include a quite cuddle and short story in a darkened room before it is time to nap.

Healthy sleep Habits for your baby:

Keeping your baby awake during the day will make them overtired so do not try to do so actually napping helps a baby to sleep longer at night because a short nap refresh them.

Make sure about the place of your babies sleep all soft items like pillows and stuffed animals out of the crib.

It is okay to cuddle and rock your baby. You cannot spoil a young baby holding them.

A pacifier may comfort and help your baby to settle. However it is best not to start using a pacifier until breast feeding is going well.

Your baby will stir during the night. Give them a few minutes to try and settle on their own before going to them

Keep the light dim and avoid stimulation during night time, feedings and diaper changes.

Infants (4 to 12 months)

During this stage, babies sloop an average of 14 hours a day. Most infants needs three naps a day, one in the morning, afternoon and early evening includes 2 longer naps.

Perhaps the napping needs are different, some nap for as little as 20 minutes at a time, while others sleep for three or more hours.

Healthy sleep habits for your infants-

·       Schedule a regular day time and bed times sleep as much as possible.

·       A consistent bed time routine is important many parents like to use the three B's bath, book, bed

·       Don’t put your baby to bed with a bottle. This can lead to teeth decay

·       If your baby wakes at night and cries go check to see if there is anything wrong. Such as being too cold or too warm, but try not to take them out of the crib.

 You can comfort them by stroking the forehead or talking softly to let them know you are there.

·       This helps your baby learn how to self sooth, important steps towards falling feeding and diaper changes, keeps the light dim.

Toddlers [1 to 2 years]

·       Most toddlers sleep between 11 and 14 hours in a 24 hours period.

·       Healthy sleep habits for your toddlers are

·       Maintain a sleep schedule the routine you established for the first year is even more important for your toddler

·       Avoid a long nap during the day time. It affects night time sleeping.

·       Help your child wind down about half an hour before bed time with stories and quiet activities.

·       Be gentle but firm if your child protests.

·       Keep the bedroom quiet cozy and good for sleeping, such as keeping the light dim.

·       Soft, soothing music might be comforting.

·       Blanket or stuffed animal are often important at this age.


Children [3 to 5 year] 

Children sleep between 10 to 13 hours in a particular day. At this stage the schedule is not fix, it differs from child to child.

Some children have one nap a day, many will have a second nap and some children give up day time nap during this period.

You can schedules this time often after lunch to read and relax.

Healthy sleep habits for your children

·       Avoid screens before bed time.

·       Don’t allow tablets, television, computer or video games in the bedroom.

·       Set some limits, such as how many books you will read together.

·       Tuck your child into bed snugly for a feeling of security.

·       If your child has night mares, reassure and comfort them.


What are some common sleep problems?

Sleep deprivation

Some children don’t get enough sleep. If your child is fussy, cranky or has difficulty staying a sleep at night it might be because they aren’t getting enough nap time or aren’t getting to bed early enough.

Be regular, it means you should go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time. 


Most children experience nightmares at one time or another. Nightmares can happen after a stressful physical or emotional event or can be caused by fever. Talk calmly, cuddle and reassure your child.

Remove electronic devices, such as TV’S computer, and smart phone, from the bedroom. 

Loud snoring:

If your child regularly snores loudly, this can be a sign regularly snores loudly, this can be a sign of a problem. 


Sleepwalking is a disorder where a child is partly awake but not completely, during the night. Your child may sit up in bed and repeat certain movements, such as rubbing their eyes. They may get out of bed and walk around the room.

When you talk to your child, they usually will not

answer you .  If the problem continues, contact your doctor.

Night terrors :

These are different from night mares. Children with night terrors scream uncontrollably, may breath quickly, and seem to be awake.

Night terrors usually happen between the ages of 4 to 12.


What if my child regularly has trouble falling asleep?

 ·       Some children have trouble falling asleep on their own and can lay awake for long periods of time. This can be caused by too much screen time before bed, or caffeine from soda and energy drinks.

·       Don’ts allow your child to drink or eat anything with caffeine.

·       Build some relaxing activities before bed such as reading, listening to calming music, or laying in bed with your child talking quietly about their day.

If these reasons aren’t the cause, to your doctor about other ways to help your child learn to fall asleep on their own.
















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